h ö r b a r b e w e g t
doppelhauptschule | lambach o.ö.
children are laughing, playing ... moving around ...
added to that are music and sports as the principles of a school's concept.
its versatile classes provided the idea for the fourcourt's design. the possibility of pronouncing and moving the words stands for the different experiences with music and sports.
the students should be able to approach the letters in a creative and playful way.
no rigid object was to be built here, but the pupils should be allowed to design 'their' fourcourt themselves, to create new words and seating arrangements and thus approach the school's entrance
area in a creative way.
r a m p e
oskar cerwenka landesmusikschule | vöcklabruck o.ö.
music as a life principle.
the creation of the entrance is based on interviews with children. when entering the building its function should already be recognizable.
sentences and parts of sentences laid on top of each other build a close mashed net of selected words and fragments of sentences. the moving and swinging from both statement and different types of writing communicate the liveliness of a composition.
s e n i o r e n h e i m
bezirksseniorenheim | attnang puchheim o.ö.
the youth lives on dreams, the old age on memories ...
the elderly, who
can't cope with the expectations of everyday life any longer, have to leave their familiar surroundings. in this work memorabilia from the past are the basis for a modern graphical translation. the characteristics of needlework transformed by instruments of the present try to preserve and enhance past sensations.
poetry of the past within modern architecture.
ARGE luftensteiner | schürz-neururer